2023 Resolutions for Stronger and Healthier Feet

The holiday season is in full swing, and while now is a great time to spend time with family and friends, the New Year celebration is all about you! Each year at this time, people make resolutions to get healthier. Even though getting healthier is an admirable goal, most people think that it is just about diet and exercise. 1. Daily TLC Maintain straight and not too short toenails and clean you

Thursday, December 29, 2022

New Year's Tips for Healthy Feet

There's nothing better than a New Year for reflection and change. Perhaps you're thinking about joining the gym or trying out new recipes for dinner. What about your feet? Are they ready for all of this change? Perhaps you want to learn how to cook more than macaroni and cheese in your Instant Pot? It's better to cut your toenails straight across rather than with a rounded or curved edge, which

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Keep Your Feet Pain-Free This Holiday Season

Winter is coming, and we're all dreading it. However, I hate one thing about winter even more than the cold: my feet. With all the snow, ice, and wet conditions, I know firsthand what it feels like to develop foot pain and blisters. During the holiday season, I am taking steps to prevent foot pain by following the following simple steps: SHOPPING LAST MINUTE In the event, you don't have time to

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Holiday Foot Care: What You Need To Know

Holidays can be a wonderful time for family and friends, but they can also be stressful. If you suffer from foot injuries, diabetes, or peripheral artery disease (PAD), you may want to be extra cautious during this time. It is likely that your feet are in pain right now because you have been running from place to place and sitting for long periods of time in crowded places like airports, buses, a

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Does Plantar Fasciitis Cause Foot Pain in the Mornings?

If you experience foot pain first thing in the morning, you may suspect that you have plantar fasciitis. In the morning, plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of foot pain. Is there a reason why your feet hurt more in the morning? In the morning, it is very aggravating to know that your feet will hurt the moment you step down on them. Your feet hurt more in the morning because the

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

What Causes Low Back Pain: 2 Foot Problems

There is a possibility that your lower back pain is caused by your feet. You may not think about your feet very often, but they are essential to helping you move. When your feet suffer, other parts of your body are put under stress. There are a number of foot problems that can cause pain in your lower back, including plantar fasciitis and bunions. Your lower back is connected to your feet 80% o

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

I Am Not an Athlete; But Why Do I Have Athlete's Foot?

Despite its name, athlete's foot isn't just a disease for athletes. It's actually a type of fungus that's highly contagious. Anyone can get it, even if they don't play sports. If you walk around a wet locker room or pool area without shoes on, you're at risk of catching an athlete's foot, which is caused by the same fungus that causes a jock itch. What is an athlete’s foot? Technically, an ath

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Painful Foot Problems Common Amongs Women

Due to a variety of factors, females are more vulnerable to certain foot problems than men. From genetics to weight to habitual walking in high heels, women face many different risks due to their gender. Foot Injuries Among Women It is known that a woman's smaller foot may help her bear the weight of her body, as there are several anatomical differences between men's and women's feet. Women are

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Managing Stress Fractures in Feet and Ankles

It's great to exercise for both physical and mental improvement, but if you do too much at once, you could end up with painful stress fractures. Foot Stress Fractures Can Be Healed With Rest Physical activity that is repeated or intense causes stress fractures, which are small cracks in bone tissue. It is common for stress fractures of the foot to occur on the metatarsals, causing pain in the fo

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Different Types of Foot and Ankle Fractures

The type of fracture determines the type of treatment for your foot or ankle. Fractures can occur suddenly or develop slowly over time. Foot and Ankle Fractures Types Ankle and foot fractures can be classified into several types. The most common are: Stress fracture. A stress fracture occurs when there is a thin crack in the bone's tissue. Stress fractures often occur as a result of repetitive

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Hammertoe Surgery

Hammertoe results in curved toes that look like hammers. It affects one or more toes and may result in them staying curled for a period of time. Surgery is usually recommended when conservative treatment fails or hammertoe is severe. In addition to causing corns and calluses, hammertoe interferes with daily activities such as walking and wearing shoes. Hammertoe Surgery: Types It may be necessar

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Foot and Leg Psoriasis Treatment

A number of treatments are available to alleviate symptoms and control outbreaks of psoriasis. Stress and injury can also exacerbate it. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes red, scaly patches on your feet and legs. Diagnosis of psoriasis Psoriasis manifests as raised, red, scaly patches on the feet and legs, as well as flaky, white, gray, or silver patches of skin. It is also possibl

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Bicycling and Foot Injuries

Bike riding is a great way to keep in shape while enjoying the outdoors. It is less stressful on your feet and joints than other types of exercise, but if you don't take precautions, it can lead to foot injuries and pain. Bicycling Foot Injuries Types While biking, it is common to suffer from foot pain or injury. Some of the injuries that can occur include Achilles tendinitis. As you pedal, yo

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Diabetics' Feet: Treatment

If you or a loved one deals with diabetes, you may already know how crucial it is to take proper care of your feet. You should take all the steps necessary to take care of your diabetic feet and treat problems before they become severe since diabetic feet are susceptible to ulcers, nerve damage, and numbness. All-In-One Foot Care Center podiatrists can explain to you why diabetic care is so import

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

You Should Grow Out Your Toenails, Not In

Ingrown toenails: what causes them? Crowded-toed footwear Cutting the big toe's toenails too short Injuries caused by dropping something on your toe or kicking something inappropriately Walking or standing improperly - poor foot structure. A risk factor for poor foot hygiene is excessive sweating Ingrown toenails: what do they look like? The nail area is red and painful There is swelling a

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Tendinitis: Diagnosis and Treatment

Muscles are attached to bones by tendons. It's called tendinitis when a tendon becomes damaged and swollen as a result of repeated use. Movement can be hindered by this, which is usually painful. Here are some symptoms you may experience if you think you have tendinitis. The symptoms Tendinitis typically manifests as: Swelling Tenderness A grating sensation when moving a joint Dull, aching

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

My Feet and Skiing: How Dangerous Is It?

Despite its high thrills and enjoyment, skiing does come with some high risks, especially to the feet and ankles, which account for 37% of ski-related injuries. Skier’s Toe (Subungual Hematoma) You can develop a subungual hematoma if your ski or snowboard boots are too tight or too short in the toe box. A bruise under a toenail can result in painful pressure building up and cause the nail to ap

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Remedies for High Heeled Hangovers

Women may still find themselves wearing high heels for a fun night of festive joy despite the majority of holiday parties going virtual this year. In the same way, we may overindulge in spiked eggnog, and we may end up with hangovers from our high heels the next day. The good news is, the treatments are almost the same! Sleep People generally want to get a few extra zzz's after a long night of

Thursday, November 17, 2022